On Tuesday 11th July Southern Rail allowed a 15 year old, who was on work experience with the company, to use the twitter account for the company. Usually the twitter account for the company is bombarded with tweets that are complaints from disgruntled passengers about things such as delays and cancelled trains.

​Very soon Southern Rails 150,000+ followers were tweeting funny and light hearted questions to Eddie.

The light hearted tweets kept on coming in throughout the day as Eddie was on the account. 

There were many more tweets like this. Overall it was great PR for Southern Rail and really helped improve the company image and the company was praised for this as well as Eddie. 

So with something as simple but clever as what Eddie did Southern Rail benefited massively and it was just from some good interactions with people over twitter which is what the twitter platform is so good for. Businesses can interact directly with clients as well as potential clients. Eddie seemed to enjoy the experience as a whole and was invited to manage the twitter account for a day a few days later.